Crude Coconut oil Exporter


This article contains information about Crude Coconut Oil Exporter, if you are looking for Crude Coconut Oil Exporter, please contact:


PHONE : (62) 8117810991 |  (62) 811 787 100


ADDRESS : Karya Baru Street 484, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Today’s globalization has formed integrated market dominance between various countries without recognizing boundaries based on the social and economic development of various countries in the world.

Free trade is one of the implications of the current existence of globalization as well as having an impact on the social, economic and political conditions of the country.

Communities can easily gain access to high-quality goods at affordable prices.

These goods can be in the form of goods or services, transaction services, investments, intellectual property protection, or patents.

In a free trade system, each country can make a commitment to reduce or even eliminate barriers in the form of tariffs or non-tariffs in each country.

Indonesia’s income is still very dependent on the agricultural sector. Based on statistics, the contribution of the agricultural sector to Indonesia’s total GDP reached 14.44% with the plantation subsector as one of the main contributors.

The importance of the plantation sub-sector in accelerating national economic growth places this sector in second place after the food crop sector in terms of its contribution to the country’s GDP from the non-oil and gas sector.

Plantation commodities are important commodities as a source of national income and foreign exchange with an export value of US$ 28.1 billion in 2018.

Indonesia is one of the main coconut producing countries in the world where production touched 18.9 million tons in 2017, followed by the Philippines and India.

The potential for coconut agribusiness development in Indonesia is still wide open because so far marketing has only been limited to semi-finished products in the form of coconut oil and copra.

Products derived from coconut are urgently needed by industry and international markets, so a strategy is needed to increase production and marketing.

Until now the dominance of coconut exports is controlled by countries that are members of the APCC (Asian and Pacific Coconut Community) while the main importing countries are America, the Netherlands and Germany.

Indonesia has so far only been able to dominate primary product coconut exports, in contrast to the Philippines which has diversified into manufactured products so that the selling value is higher.

The export contribution of Indonesia and the Philippines’ CNO reaches 67% in the global market with China as the main importer of CNO and currently the European market is also the main export destination for coconut derivative products from Indonesia.

Apart from the Chinese market, the US and South Korean markets are also the main destinations for Indonesia’s CNO exports, which account for 65% of Indonesia’s total coconut exports. Indonesia’s GDP also has a positive influence on increasing Indonesia’s CNO exports.

The superiority of the agricultural sector and its contribution to non-oil and gas exports nationally is relatively high. It can be seen that in the 2015-2019 period, Indonesia’s exports tended to fluctuate but did not fall too far.

The coconut commodity in Indonesia plays an important role as an economic source for the community, especially through processed coconut commodity products.

One of the central provinces for coconut production in Indonesia is South Sumatra. The position of South Sumatra as one of the highest production centers certainly affects the export volume of coconut commodities, especially Indonesian CNO in foreign markets.

The most highly exported processed coconut product by South Sumatra Province is crude coconut oil (CNO).

South Sumatra Province in its development has an export value that tends to fluctuate even though South Sumatra Province is not the first province for coconut production centers.

However, South Sumatra Province needs to be taken into account in Indonesia’s total coconut exports.

This needs to be a concern of the government of South Sumatra to be able to boost the growth of coconut production, because this commodity is a commodity that has been the backbone of the people of South Sumatra from the past until now, so it needs more attention so that it can maintain production of this plant in South Sumatra.

Supply chain performance for coconut products in South Sumatra is quite good. This means that the availability of coconuts and the ability of coconut exporters in the regions have formed an integrated pattern.

This is an opportunity that needs to be continuously improved with policy support from the government.

The area of coconut in Indonesia reaches 3,728,600 Ha. Coconut production reaches 15.4 billion eggs and if converted is equivalent to 3.2 million tonnes of copra.

The data shows that coconut productivity in Indonesia is still low, not reaching 1 ton/ha, below the Philippines with a productivity of 2 tons/ha.

Based on a study by the Department of Agriculture, Indonesia’s coconut productivity can still be optimized to reach 2 tonnes/ha.

One of the problems that occurred in the coconut plantation sector in Indonesia was the decrease in area from 2011 – 2020 which reached 10% with the largest decrease occurring in 2016 – 2017 of 5.2%.

Of course this is a big concern of the government if Indonesia wants to maintain the performance of coconut production and exports.

The development of coconut commodities, especially CNO in Indonesia, is an opportunity because of Indonesia’s position as a tropical country with abundant coconut raw materials.

The potential for developing 10.70 million hectares of coconut plantation land in the provinces of Papua, Kalimantan and Riau is still very potential to be developed.

International trade is trading activity between the economic subjects of one country and another. The subjects in this case are citizens of a country, exporting companies, importing companies, industry, and the government which play a very important role in increasing the country’s trade balance.

Further research is needed to raise the competitiveness of Indonesian CNO so that they can compete globally, and the right strategic policies are needed for the development of the bulk coconut oil industry in the future.

Crude Coconut oil Exporter

The government is expected to create a program to improve the quality and competitiveness of coconut derivative products, especially crude coconut oil, so that it can dominate the world market, considering that the main players in world exports of crude coconut oil are currently only the Philippines and Indonesia.

From the farmer’s side, it is hoped that they will try to be able to do rejuvenation of the plants, considering that many coconut plants in Indonesia are old and have decreased productivity.

For economic reasons, farmers are expected to be able to process coconuts into copra rather than just selling the coconuts.

That’s all the information about the Crude Coconut Oil Exporter.

If Your Are Looking for Crude Coconut Oil Exporter, Please Contact Sukatani Perkasa, We Are One of Indonesia Crude Coconut Oil Exporter.



PHONE : (62) 8117810991 |  (62) 811 787 100


ADDRESS : Karya Baru Street 484, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Hopefully the information about CRUDE COCONUT OIL EXPORTER can help you. If you have any questions please contact us, CV Sukatani Perkasa.